Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Midnight Musings

       Technically its actually 2:36 in the morning but that's not really the point. The point is that it is the middle of the night and I am awake yet again. Usually the only reason I'm awake at this time of night is because I'm checking on old people every two hours. Tonight however I'm off work and I'm awake because my brain just won't shut up. I'm sure most everyone can relate to that.
        I have so many ideas right now for the book I'm writing and no where to put them. I always think of these really great parts that I know will fit in later in the story but since I'm not to that part of the story I don't write them down and so they end up floating around in my head and keeping me awake into the unholy hours of the morning. Writing is hard. I always heard that a lot but now that I'm actually attempting it I can assure you, they were right. Writing a story is like writing one of those 2,000 word essays for english 1010 only on some serious steroids. You have to figure out your plot and your characters. You have to choose a setting and a time period. You have to do research. So. Much. Research. If you're writing a mystery novel for example and your browser history makes you look like an aspiring serial killer you're doing it right. You have to get to know your character, you have to be able to relate to them on some level. (Unless your novel involves a murderous character in which case please don't relate to your character) This is only about half of what is keeping me up though and I can't even solve this problem because I'm stuck on about oh, page four of chapter one, and its almost literally driving me crazy.
        Usually I would just read one of the many books on my shelf until I fell asleep but I'm in the middle of the Inkheart trilogy and so I don't want to start a new series. I'm actually one of those crazy people who saw the movie before reading the book, and trust me, I regret it. To be fair though when the movie came out I didn't know that it was based on a book. Now that I've read the actual book I have a hard time seeing how that movie was as popular as it was. If you've read the book you'll hopefully agree with me. Some movies based on books are just so bad you kind of want to erase them from your mind so you can go back to enjoying the book without it being tainted by crappy casting and unnecessary angst. I'm going off point here but essentially, I hate the movie, love the book and I'd be reading the sequel right now if Amazon didn't take so long to ship things or if Barnes and Noble actually carried the Inkheart trilogy. Now the only angsty thing is me cause I'm lacking the reading material I want.
          So now you know what keeps this random blogger up at night. Who knows, maybe my late nights might help me focus some of my thoughts and I could actually get some writing done. Or maybe not, but here's to hoping.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Time to reorganize

I just got quite a few books for my birthday and ended up buying a new bookshelf that could actually fit all of the books I had already as well as the ones I just got which meant I had to reorganize everything. Which was fun I love going through my books and moving them around it keeps the dust from collecting and makes my room smell like a library. I know everyone likes to organize their books differently for me I like to organize them in catagory and by how often I read them so it seems confusing but makes perfect sense to me. :)