Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tis the season

Now I know that everyone is looking forward to the christmas season as am I (I already have me mini christmas tree up in my room), but I want to take some time to say what I am thankful for before Thanksgiving is swallowed by all the christmas propoganda.
I am thankful for the wonder people in my family that I get to spend time with during these holidays. I come from a polygamist family so there are so many of us and having around forty or fifty people under one roof who all love each other so much just makes me feel blessed.
Now most people would not be thankful for black friday because of a lot of reasons like, peoplw having to work instead of being with their families, and the deaths that sometimes come about because of careless shoppers and insatiable crowds. But other people are thankful for black friday because it provides them with opportunities to get things that they otherwise would be unable to afford, I'm thankful because thanks to the sales I might actually be able to get a real camera, and my sister will be able to afford the fabric needed for her wedding.
I'm thankful but I want you guys to remember that some people struggle during black friday and are forced to be away from family and friends and I want you people who are planning on shopping to be kind and think about those people and do whatever you can to make their holidays a little brighter if you can.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hey guys, if you've managed to stumble onto this blog, please don't leave yet. I wanted to update you guys a little. First of all, if you don't know or haven't looked at my profile, I am a cna or certified nurses assistant and I work night shifts which sometimes makes it hard to find time for my photography, so please bear with me and my huge time gaps between posts.
Secondly I might be getting a MUCH better camera on black friday so no more crappy phone pics, or pictures taken with my dying, and very tiny, and old, digitial camera.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Clouds and mountains

Because who doesn't love clouds and mountains, the sky is an ever changing landscape and because of that I love to capture it as often as I can

Orb weaver

This little guy and some of his friends came to our garden this summer, orb weavers always make the prettiest webs and I love how their legs are striped

Back again

Ok so to start I am sorry I haven't posted anything new recently for whoever follows this blog but hopefully I can change that, I am currently working on getting a newer and better camera and will be able to do a lot more photography for now I'm going to upload some of the photos I have taken over the years of not posting and I would really appreciate the feedback from you guys on just about anything from what camera you prefer to which of my photos you like best to what you ate for breakfast. Really anything, and thanks for bearing with me.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

More pics to come

Hey guys so I guess after all this time I'm still pretty new to actually running a blog but I have a lot more photos for you to see and hopefully ill be able to get those up soon :)