Sunday, February 21, 2016

Things that should be said but usually aren't

           Life is hard, and more often then not it doesn't turn out the way you or anyone else expected it would. We try to get by the best we can thinking that if we can just be better or even perfect than somehow all the pieces will fall into place. That's what a lot of us are taught anyways. Do this good thing and you'll get the reward but if you fuck up then you get punished. It's time to stop living your life like that. The truth is that no one on this planet is perfect. People mess up its just a fact of life. People don't always live up to your expectations, sometimes they disappoint you, and sometimes they turn out to be a completely different person. You have to be able to accept these things and move on from there. Learn, grow, but don't ever let the bad things in life drag you down. The only punishment that comes from failure and sin and disappointment is the punishment you create yourself. Stop blaming yourself and other people instead lift yourself and others up. 
            For most of my life I hated myself. I grew up FLDS and also queer. On the inside at least. I could never share that major piece of me with anyone because i knew what they would tell me. That it was a sin, against god, against nature, and that I was going to go to hell for it. I spent my whole life trying to be what I wasn't because what I was wasn't good enough. Recently though I found my way out of that lifestyle and I found a new church, the christian church, and there I learned the truth about Christ's sacrifice for me. Yes, I am a sinner, but that does not mean that I am not good enough. I will always be good enough for him, and that is just so freeing. To know that there is someone who will pick me up and look me in the face and say, yeah you messed up, but I still love you and we can figure it out together. 
             That's how we all should live our lives. When someone messes up or like I said before, maybe they do something that makes you look at them like they're a completely different person. Don't turn your back on them, give them a hug and tell them, it's ok we'll figure it out together.
Shit happens, mistakes are made, and somewhere during that we forget to love. 

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