Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Kickoff

In celebration of this upcoming summer and because i got a school discount, my brother Colton, my friend Leilani, and me of course, went to Lagoon. Amazingly enough not much exciting happened. We did meet one guy who we gave advice to n which rides he should choose because i geuss e hadn't been to Lagoon since 1993. Oh, well to bad for him. Anyways their was like no one their though so we got to ride on all the rides like five hundred times cause their was no lines!!! Yes!!! It's kindof sad that i don't really have that much to say about Lagoon. Thats not how it was last year thought. When the park started closing my friend and I went to use the bathrooms one last time and they refused to let us. I mean come on we were at the back of the park and they wouldn't let us use the bathroom. We left finally all while threatening to pee on their merchandise. I know not very mature however wee thought it was pretty funny. Last time it was actually warm enough to go on rattlesnake rapids only then it rained on us so we weent into the old town area and ate some lunch and then hid from the rain in a shop while eating a giant chocolate brownie. It was a really good brownie. Just thought i would mention that. When the rain finally decided to clear we ventured out and went to some of those picture booths and got some pretty fun pics. As soon as i get those onto my comp i will update this post and share them with you guys. I personally think i look pretty crazy my hair is a mess and i look like a dork but, whatever its all cool. So yeah this year was pretty boring in comparison however we did have a good time on some rides like Flying Ace trying and succeeding in hitting the trees. We have got that ride down. I don't think anyone could beat our amazing flying skills. Sorry this post isn't nearly as interesting as my past two.

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