Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fire Pics

And here they are I actually have more but I don't have them edited yet. I will get them up as soon as I do. Enjoy!!!


I got home from work on sunday (9/11) and found a fairly large brushfire burning about half a mile from my house. On Monday me and my sisters and one of my brothers went out to look at the damage and take pictures here are some to show the extent of the fire and I will be posting some to sell. It still smelled liked smoke out there and the ash was all weird and grainy. The fire started when a telephone tipped over and the wires sparked and the dry grass caught fire. The fire was close enough that we sent the kids over to a friends house and we were considering "evacuating" for lack of a better word because of how close it was and because the wind was ferocious and blowing the fire towards us. So here are the pics.

luckily the rain picked up and the firemen were amazing as always and got the fire under control and out. It was really interesting to have a huge fire burning near your house and not knowing if you'll have to leave or not while watching a memorial broadcast on 9/11. It made the broadcast way more moving to me. It's one of those things that you experience on a personal level. Even though it was a little bit frightening at the time I am glad that it happened because it made that night that much more likely to stand out in my memories and it provided me with some awesome pics which I will post right after this. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Storms give the best backdrops for pictures here are my favorites from yesterday. Here is like ten or 12 photos and yes they are all chains but they are in different color tones such as black and white or old photo. Also they are from different angles. Hope you like them! :)

More flowers

The majority of my photos are flowers but i will be posting some  other subjects too hopefully soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So my posts have been extremely random before but now they are mostly going to be photos. I'm going to be selling these photos for $15 - $20 each maybe more so please comment and let me know what you think and if you would like to buy one.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Kickoff

In celebration of this upcoming summer and because i got a school discount, my brother Colton, my friend Leilani, and me of course, went to Lagoon. Amazingly enough not much exciting happened. We did meet one guy who we gave advice to n which rides he should choose because i geuss e hadn't been to Lagoon since 1993. Oh, well to bad for him. Anyways their was like no one their though so we got to ride on all the rides like five hundred times cause their was no lines!!! Yes!!! It's kindof sad that i don't really have that much to say about Lagoon. Thats not how it was last year thought. When the park started closing my friend and I went to use the bathrooms one last time and they refused to let us. I mean come on we were at the back of the park and they wouldn't let us use the bathroom. We left finally all while threatening to pee on their merchandise. I know not very mature however wee thought it was pretty funny. Last time it was actually warm enough to go on rattlesnake rapids only then it rained on us so we weent into the old town area and ate some lunch and then hid from the rain in a shop while eating a giant chocolate brownie. It was a really good brownie. Just thought i would mention that. When the rain finally decided to clear we ventured out and went to some of those picture booths and got some pretty fun pics. As soon as i get those onto my comp i will update this post and share them with you guys. I personally think i look pretty crazy my hair is a mess and i look like a dork but, whatever its all cool. So yeah this year was pretty boring in comparison however we did have a good time on some rides like Flying Ace trying and succeeding in hitting the trees. We have got that ride down. I don't think anyone could beat our amazing flying skills. Sorry this post isn't nearly as interesting as my past two.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Barbecue Birthday!!!!

So this week i had an awesome friend down here from Wyoming and since he doesn't get to come down much we celebrated his birthday with a barbecue. Now when we have a barbecue we have everything we've got homemade root beer, and pasta salads, and the must have hotdogs and hamburgers. Firstly when we make homemade root beer we do it old school style that means we make it in a giant plastic garbage can. Don't worry its never actually been used for garbage.
See beautiful delicious root beer!!!
This time I also got to cook the hamburgers and hotdogs and i must say they look pretty gorgeous if i do say so myself. Criss crosses and everything. I'm so talented hehehe.
See my hamburgers aren't they just lovely :)
Now for the grand finale since it was his birthday we made a cake, but not just any cake no this was a magnificent creation. Caution what is about to be shown is not for the faint at heart.

Yep thats right its a litter box cake complete with cookie crumb litter box sand and tootsie roll feces and for those who don't know what feces is go look it up in a dictionary :). This was a lot of fun to make and honestly the birthday guy thought it was pretty hilarious and he kind of knew it was coming so he was slightly prepared and to top it all off we added trick candles now that was fun :P. All in all it was a pretty good day and tomorrow ill have even more funness to tell you lovely peoples about YAY!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Most would recoil at the thought of eating lemon. Not me, or my sister Danika. Nope, we are adventurous. We take our taste buds where no other taste buds have gone before (except the other millions of people who eat lemons but well just forget about them). It all started with a science project and a decision to risk our lives and our sanity (actually it was just our tongues and faces being risked). Danika had that science project that I'm betting all of you have done at least once where you stick two wires into something acidic, like a lemon, and then attach those wires to a light bulb. Does it work? Not usually but your still left with a delicious lemon that you can use for lemonade or you can be brave like us and eat that lemon. With a bowl of sugar of course. So we chopped that lemon into little pieces despite its begging at ate it while shrieking in pain from the sourness. We soon discovered that all our willpower had been lost and that lemons are strangely addicting. Maybe we long for our faces to slowly shrivel up in weird contortions, I might never know, either way the next day we ate another one and this time we tortured sage our one year old sister. Guess how she reacted.

Inserting lemon piece

Maybe I might like its overwhelming power

Still trying to figure out what the heck I'm eating

Alright that's it i knew you had poisoned me!

Removing lemon
Yeah I don't think so. After that she walked over to me, sat it in my hand and said "No thank you" and walked off.  I asked her later if she wanted another bite, she told me no and ran off. I guess I scarred her for life. Was there a lesson learned, not for us but for sage it was probably 'don't eat everything your sisters tell you to eat'.

And here is our Beautiful lemons!!! Yes you can in fact peel a lemon.

Monday, May 16, 2011


The other day my sis Marina was telling me about her science and I thought that she said she a chameleon with a zebra not a gazillion zebras. So we created what we like to call a chamelebra. Its what happens when you breed a chameleon with a zebra. I'm not sure that can actually happen seeing as they are different species and all but its an interesting thought. So

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sharks and Dead Fishes

Jaella and Mason were playing a game in the playroom and i walked in to hear Jaella say, "AAAAHHH It's a shark!!!!" to which mason replied, "No, I'm just a dead fish".
So in conclusion i geuss mason would rather be a dead fish then a feirce shark. I geuss to him they are much more terrifying or something :). Personally I would be the shark cause dead fish kinda stink. :P

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fake Snoring

Mason, for those who don't know is my little brother, refused to go to sleep so I laid in his bed with him. At this point he told me to "Get Out!!!!" I replied that I was not leaving until he went to sleep. He goes quiet for a moment only to whisper "Raven's asleep and I'm asleep" I told him yeah right and that I wouldn't believe that he was sleeping until I heard him snoring and that it better not be fake snoring. He went quiet and then I started to hear a small purring sort of sound coming from his side of the bed. When he realized that I was ignoring him he turned to me and said "Skye, that's not fake snoring!"